Exhibition 展覧会情報

Room #205
2024年12月04日 〜2024年12月21日
日曜・月曜休み 13:00~19:00
※ See below for the English version.
■ Statement
展覧会「BLACK COPIES」に向けて、ステファン・ケッペルは自身のアーカイブから「最も黒いプリント」を探し出しました。このプロジェクトは、ギャラリー「The White」の名前に対する遊び心あふれる変奏として構想されました。最終的に選ばれたのは、鋸の切り込みが入った大工の作業板を撮影した写真でした。この画像をもとに、彼は建築家や建設会社が設計図の複製に使用していた大判コピー機を用いて一連の印刷実験を行いました。この機械は、印刷を重ねるたびに画像のマット感や光沢、コントラストが変化するという特徴を持っています。ただし、このコピー機は薄い紙しか受け付けません。その紙は「The
日程:2024/12/4 - 12/21
会場:The White
■ Biography
これまでに制作された書籍プロジェクトには、『Reprinting the City』(デン・ヘルダー、2012年)、『Entre Entree』(パリ、2014年)、『Flat Finish』(ニューヨーク、2017年)、『Soft Copy Hard Copy』(アムステルダム、2021年)、『Immer Zimmer』(グラーツ、2022年)などが含まれます。これらはすべてアムステルダムのFw:Booksから出版され、アムステルダム市立美術館、アムステルダム市立公文書館、ロッテルダムのオランダ写真美術館、ニューヨークの国際建築センター、モントリオールのカナダ建築センターなどに収蔵されています。2021年には、ロッテルダムのオランダ写真美術館でのインスタレーションが評価され、Somfy Photography Award 2020を受賞しました。また、同年にはグラーツのカメラオーストリアで個展が開催されました。
■ Statement
For the exhibition BLACK COPIES, Keppel searched for the blackest print in his archive. It is a playful variation on the white room, the gallery's name. It turned out to be a photograph of a carpenter's board with saw cuts in it. This image became the support for a series of printing experiments on his large-format copier. This is a machine that in days gone by was used by architects and construction firms as a duplicator for building plans. When you print over each other with this machine, changes in matte/gloss and contrast occur in the image. The printer accepts only thin paper that will be pasted on the immaculately white walls in the White Room. Thus, the prints merge with the architectural space. All kinds of urban shards loom from the black image. These works in the exhibition are a prelude to his working visit to Tokyo in 2025.
There, the photographer will focus on architectural fragments in that city, looking with a keen eye at small repairs and unevenness in the urban fabric. Beauty, in the sense of a tidy character, will also play a role, in stark contrast to Amsterdam, where garbage, bulky waste, furniture, slabs of wood and junk are always lying on the pavement.
Stephan Keppel 2024
Show December 2024 Alternative space The White Tokyo in collaboration with Ikushisa Sawada
■ Biography
Stephan Keppel
Stephan Keppel (born 1973 in Anna Paulowna, NL) studied autonomous art (1994–98) at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (NL) and has since worked primarily with photographic and printmaking techniques. He has had his studios in Amsterdam (NL) since 2003. The main working area is the street where he photographs, collects, looks at junk, examines construction containers and brings (architectural) parts to his studios. They are separate worlds. Refined finds such as furniture and printed matter end up in the home gallery, sculptural forms such as wooden beams a stone drillings find their place in his garden studio in the outskirts of the city. These materials and photographs are endlessly reproduced with a large copier in his print studio, a small beanery, and stored in file cabinets, ready for exhibitions worldwide. By invitation, he works similarly in other cities. Such as currently a project around the city of Berlin and next year (2025) a working period in Tokyo. This often results in books made in close collaboration with Hans Gremmen and his publisher Fw:Books. The book projects Reprinting the City (Den Helder, 2012), Entre Entree (Paris, 2014), Flat Finish (New York, 2017), and Soft Copy Hard Copy (Amsterdam, 2021), Immer Zimmer (Graz 2022) all published by Fw:Books in Amsterdam, were acquired for various collections, for example the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Nederlands Fotomuseum Rotterdam (NL), the International Center for Architecture in New York (US), and the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal (CA). In 2021 Keppel won the Somfy Photography Award 2020 with an installation at the Nederlands Fotomuseum Rotterdam. His work was presented in a soloshow in Camera Austria Graz in 2021. In recent years, she has also been working more outside the strictly visual arts such as contributions to various magazines, collaborations with poets and writers, as well as, for example, a catwalk design for the renowned fashion institute IFM in Paris.