Exhibition 展覧会情報

Room #202
Stuart Munro「Raw cuts」
2024年12月03日 〜2024年12月21日
日曜・月曜休み 13:00~19:00
※ See below for the English version.
■ Statement
■ Biography
1975年英国生まれ。写真と絵画に焦点を当て、UCLロンドン大学のバートレット建築環境学部で建築の修士号を取得後、デザイン集団Tomatoが運営する一連のワークショップに参加。2011年からアートライターとして東京に住み、大竹伸朗氏のインタビュー(2022年)、画家のピーテル・フェルマーシュ(Perrotin Tokyo、2018年)とシャルル・ムンカ(INS Studio、2023年)のカタログエッセイの執筆、駒込倉庫 Komagome SOKOでのウテ・ミュラーとクリストフ・マイヤーのキュレーション(2022年)、アルバニア ティラナのZETA現代アートセンターでの『Radio Desertion』の寄稿(2023年)などを手がける。e-flux、ArtReview、Mousse、The Wireなどに掲載。
https://stuartmunro.net■ Statement
Photography is backward by nature, picturing the past in the dizzying presence of the infinite. The pictures in this exhibition were taken 25 years ago with Ektachrome infrared-sensitive film (EIR) no longer available. Infrared sits somewhere in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum, with a wavelength longer than light and invisible to the naked eye. Looking back at it these ‘false’ colour images recalls the strange year at the end of the 1990s when I lived in North London above a meat shop and its backyard littered with old meat bones drawing in packs of hungry dogs. Up the road from my flat in Finsbury Park was the aptly named Rainbow Theatre. The art deco building was dubbed an ‘atmospheric’ cinema when it first opened in 1930 but in the decades that followed it became better known for its live music and concerts by Ella Fitzgerald, the Miles Davis Quartet, Frank Zappa who was pushed off stage by a jealous boyfriend, David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust, Soft Machine performing with Pink Floyd, and one of the first gigs by Public Image Limited among others. Some of that atmosphere and attitude must have rubbed off. Photographs describe a wide-eyed fearlessness for what lay beyond my front door. Voices and different languages would rub up against each other as local gangs clashed in the streets outside my window. The scene was sometimes comical as men could be seen wielding nothing by plastic garden furniture. But the mood turned ugly when knives were drawn. At night, the streets were filled with a deathly silence and the photographs, all shot at night, recognised that sense of foreboding. Each amorphous image centers on an object inspired by the mood outside. Made from insulation foam and car body filler, the object was painted in brilliant white, suspended from the ceiling with fishing line and wrapped in acrylic that would scatter light from a slide projector, evoking the sense of rawness in the air. But pictures were unpredictable to say the least and impossible to control. At 2am, hood pulled over my head with film burning a hole in my pocket, I would run to the nearest bus stop and jump on the first night bus to Soho and an all-night photo lab. Several hours later I would be staring at the result, wondering where the images had come from and what they meant – questions I still ask myself. Am I exaggerating what happened back then? Or are the false-color photographs taken above the meat shop, with their flawed process laid bare, the most honest pictures I have ever taken?
■ Biography
Stuart Munro
Born 1975 in the UK. Stuart received a MA in Architecture (with a focus on the photographic image) from the Bartlett School, UCL, before taking part in workshops run by the design collective Tomato. Since 2011 he has lived in Tokyo and worked as an art worker and writer. He has interviewed Shinro Ohtake (2022), written essays for Pieter Vermeersch (Perrotin Tokyo, 2018) and Charles Munka (INS Studio, 2023), curated Ute Müller & Christoph Meier at Komagome SOKO (2022), and contributed to “Radio Desertion” at the ZETA Contemporary Art Center in Tirana, Albania (2023). He has been published by e-flux, ArtReview, Mousse, and The Wire among others.