Exhibition 展覧会情報

Room #202
2024年03月28日 〜2024年04月13日
Venue:The White
The Whiteではこの度ノアム・レヴィンゲルによる展覧会「ENDLESS SEARCH IN DIFFERENT MOVING DIRECTIONS 」を開催します。
Introducing ENDLESS SEARCH IN DIFFERENT MOVING DIRECTIONS, a new installation by Noam Levinger, presented by Alternative space TheWhite.
Levinger views this installation as an experiment. He began by delving into his photo archives, seeking signs or instructions within the images. Among a mix of personal and commercial works spanning the past seven years, he discovered visual themes that resonate with his ongoing artistic explorations. Venturing into uncharted territory, Levinger integrates his photography into an installation exploring themes of sexuality and human connections. He encourages reflection on the complex tapestry of human emotion and longing, inviting viewers to ponder life's intricacies.
Approaching each image as a potential personal road sign leading to answers, Levinger realized the confusion and struggle of endless possibilities. This realization forms the basis of the kinetic installation, a collection of images representing constant movement and ambiguity. The only static element of the exhibition is also the only new photographic work created specifically for this occasion, symbolizing a covered road sign waiting to be revealed, much like the anticipation of a new journey or an untold truth.
Noam Levinger|ノアム・レヴィンゲル
ノアム・レヴィンゲルはイスラエル生まれ(1985年)のビジュアル・アーティスト。テルアビブ大学で美術史の学士号を取得し、2017年より東京を拠点として活動。レヴィンゲルの作品は、ドキュメンタリースタイルのアプローチで、アイデンティティ、記憶、人間の経験といったテーマを探求している。彼の写真や映像は、イスラエルや日本のグループ展に出展され、世界中の数々の出版物で取り上げられている。2021年、レヴィンゲルは東京(het Labo atrium)で、初の個展『Behind All That』を開催。Web site : https://www.noamlevinger.com
Noam Levinger is a visual artist. Born in Israel (1985), he received his BA in Art History from Tel Aviv University and he has been based in Tokyo since 2017. Levinger's work explores themes of identity, memory, and the human experience through a documentary-style approach. His photographs and videos have been exhibited in group shows in Israel and Japan, and have been featured in publications worldwide. In 2021, Levinger held his first solo exhibition, titled "Behind All That", in Tokyo (het Labo atrium) .